Professor Giuseppe Gerbino received a Casa Muraro Summer Fellowship to spend five weeks in Venice working towards a digital atlas of festivals in Renaissance Italy known as FRIDA – Venice. Together with his co-investigators, Francesca Bartoletti (University of Minnesota) and Paolo Ciuccarelli (Politecnico di Milano), Professor Gerbino aims to advance understanding of the cultural, political, and artistic ramifications of Venetian festivals while uncovering new forms of historical narrative, which will expand the definition of what a “digital lab” can do in the humanities. Towards this end, Professor Gerbino is using his Casa Muraro Fellowship to research musical sources related to festivals staged in Venice between 1500 and 1540. He is consulting sources housed in the Marciana and Querini Stampalia libraries in Venice, and the Library of the Accademia Filarmonica in Verona. A video-demonstration of FRIDA, which is being developed in partnership with the Density Design Research Lab at the Polytechnic University in Milan, can be found here: