Grants & Fellowships
2025 Finley Fellowship for Venetian Studies
Thanks to the generosity of Carol and John Finley, this competitive summer fellowship supports undergraduate students participating in Columbia University’s Venice Summer Program. The Finley Fellowship for Venetian Studies consists of a stipend to help defray the costs for airfare and out-of-pocket expenses associated with the summer program. Award amounts can vary depending on the number of successful applicants, but are typically between $1,500 and $3,000 per awardee.
The Finely Fellowship for Venetian Studies is open to Columbia University students in all majors who have been accepted into the Venice Summer program, and have chosen at least one art history course as part of their summer curriculum. Students in all fields are eligible to apply, with preference given to declared majors in Art History, History and Theory of Architecture, and the combined major in Art History and Visual Art.
Application Procedure:
Eligible students are asked to submit their Finley Fellowship application consisting of:
(1) A short cover letter indicating past art history courses taken and course choices for the Venice Summer Program
(2) A CV with an indication of current GPA and past prizes and fellowships received at Columbia University
(3) An unofficial transcript (print-out of SSOL record)
Please submit your application via e-mail to Professor Diane Bodart at [email protected], (subject line: 2025 Finley Fellowship for Venetian Studies) by Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Please submit these materials as a single consolidated PDF document.
2024 Casa Muraro Summer Program Fellowships for Graduate Students
Through the generosity of the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI), the Department of Art History and Archaeology is awarding a competitive fellowship for graduate students participating in Columbia University’s Summer Program in Venice. The Casa Muraro Summer Program Fellowship consists of a stipend of $3,000 to help defray the costs for airfare and out-of-pocket expenses associated with Columbia University’s 2024 Summer Program in Venice. Recipients of the fellowship will be known as Casa Muraro Summer Program Fellows.
All graduate students in the Department of Art History and Archaeology who have been accepted for the 2024 Venice Summer Program and have chosen at least one art history course as part of their Venice summer curriculum are eligible to apply.
Application Procedure:
Eligible students are asked to submit an application consisting of:
(1) A short cover letter/e-mail indicating your field of study, a brief rationale for your participation in the Venice Summer Program, and your choice of courses selected.
(2) An up-to-date CV.
(3) An unofficial transcript (print-out of SSOL record).
Please submit your application via e-mail to Professor Holger A. Klein at [email protected] (subject line: 2024 Casa Muraro Summer Program Fellowship) by Monday, March 11, 2024, 5pm. Please submit these materials as a single consolidated PDF document.
summer program
2024 Summer Research Fellowships for Graduate Students at Casa Muraro, Venice
Thanks to the generosity of the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI), the Department of Art History and Archaeology is once again awarding competitive fellowships for graduate students in the fields of Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque history, art, architecture, music, and literature, whose dissertation or MA thesis requires research in Venice (or the Veneto). The Summer Research Fellowship for Graduate Students will consist of a stipend of up to $4,000 to help defray the costs for airfare, accommodation, and/or out-of-pocket expenses associated with on-site research in Venice. Recipients of the fellowship will be known as Casa Muraro Summer Research Fellows.
All graduate students enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, who have dissertation or thesis topics in the fields of Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque history, art, architecture, music, and literature and require an extended period of no less than one month of library, archival, or museum research in Venice and/or the Veneto are eligible to apply. Research should ideally be conducted between June 1 and August 31, 2024. Students no longer in the coursework phase of their degree program may request an extension into the fall semester of 2024. Students in the coursework phase of their degree program must be in good academic standing, i.e. have no outstanding Incompletes from previous semesters.
Application Procedure:
Eligible students are asked to submit their application consisting of:
(1) A cover letter (not to exceed 2,000 words) to the fellowship committee, outlining your proposed on-site research and how it fits within your dissertation/thesis project. Please also mention the resources to be consulted in Venice.
(2) An up-to-date CV.
(3) An (unofficial) Columbia University transcript (SSOL Record), attesting that you have no outstanding Incompletes.
(4) A letter of endorsement/recommendation from your dissertation/thesis advisor, to be sent directly to Catherine Warden by the application deadline.
Please submit your application materials via e-mail to Catherine Warden at [email protected] (subject line: 2024 Summer Research Fellowship in Venice) by Friday, April 12, 2024.
2024–25 Casa Muraro Faculty Research Fellowships
Thanks to the generosity of the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI), the Department of Art History and Archaeology is able to offer financial support to Columbia faculty members conducting on-site summer research in Venice and/or the Veneto in the fields of Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque history, art, architecture, music, and literature. The research fellowship will help faculty members to cover airfare, accommodation, and out-of-pocket expenses associated with library, archival, and collection-based research in Venice and/or the Veneto. Recipients of the fellowship will be known as Casa Muraro Faculty Fellows.
All full-time faculty members in the Arts and Sciences whose research focuses on the Medieval, Renaissance, and/or Baroque periods with projects that require an extended period (four weeks or more) of on-site library, archival, and/or museum research in Venice and/or the Veneto are eligible to apply.
Research in Venice and/or the Veneto must take place between June 1, 2024, and August 31, 2025.
Application Procedure:
Eligible faculty members are asked to submit their application consisting of:
(1) A short cover letter containing the project title, a short project summary (300 words max), the amount of funding requested, and the timeframe in which the proposed research will be conducted.
(2) A short CV (not to exceed 5 pages)
(3) A research proposal (not to exceed 1,500 words) outlining the project goals and the resources to be consulted in Venice.
(4) A preliminary budget.
Please submit your application via e-mail to Holger Klein, at [email protected] (subject line: 2024–25 Casa Muraro Faculty Fellowship) by Friday, May 24, 2024. Please make sure you submit all materials as a single PDF document.