In occasione del decimo anniversario dell’Italian and Mediterranean Colloquium di Columbia University, abbiamo il piacere di invitarvi alla conferenza:
“‘Out of Spite, I Will Become a Turk’: The Emotions of Conversion in the Venetian Inquisition”
tenuta dal Professor Eric Dursteler (Brigham Young University), e moderata dal Professor Pier Mattia Tommasino (Columbia University)
L’evento, in lingua inglese, si terrà il 17 dicembre 2024, alle ore 18:00, presso il Centro di Studi Veneziani di Columbia University, Casa Muraro (Dorsoduro 350).
Vi chiediamo gentilmente di confermare la partecipazione inviando un RSVP all’indirizzo email [email protected].
Per chi volesse seguire da remoto, questo è il link Zoom:
Meeting ID: 983 4875 6479
Passcode: 571129
Questo evento fa parte della serie The Life of Venice and its People, organizzata in occasione del decimo anniversario dell’Italian Mediterranean Colloquium. L'iniziativa è promossa dal Dipartimento di Italiano della Columbia University, in collaborazione con Casa Muraro a Venezia, e co-sponsorizzata da Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, Division of Humanities, e European Institute di Columbia University.
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Italian and MediterraneanColloquium of Columbia University, we are pleased to invite you to the conference:
“‘Out of Spite, I Will Become a Turk’: The Emotions of Conversion in the Venetian Inquisition”
by Professor Eric Dursteler (Brigham Young University) and moderated by Professor Pier Mattia Tommasino (Columbia University)
The event, conducted in English, will take place on December 17, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Center for Venetian Studies of Columbia University, Casa Muraro (Dorsoduro 350).
We kindly ask you to RSVP to the email address [email protected].
It is possible to attend remotely via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 983 4875 6479
Passcode: 571129
The early modern Mediterranean was a site of broad religious refashioning. A significant aspect of this was the so-called renegade phenomenon which saw hundreds of thousands of Christian men and women convert to Islam, accompanied by smaller, but not insignificant numbers of Jews and Muslims who converted to another faith as well. Through a series of case studies, primarily extracted from records of the Venetian inquisition, this paper will examine the place of emotion - in particular fear, anger, and lust - in early modern conversion experiences. These cases reveal the central place that emotion occupied in the conversion narratives that were recounted before the inquisition, and the ways in which recurring emotional points of reference were utilized both by those who converted, but also institutions and authorities that attempted to assay renegades' reintegration into their birth faith communities.
This event is part of the series "The Life of Venice and its People" celebrating the tenth-year anniversary of the Italian and Mediterranean Colloquium, organized by the Department of Italian at Columbia University in collaboration with Casa Muraro in Venice, and co-sponsored by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, the Division of Humanities, and the European Institute at Columbia University.